Many years have passed since I posted a list like this. Why am I returning? Let's call it unintentional peer pressure fueled by social media. Anyway, here they are listed in the order they were read. On Trails * Robert Moor Meh. It was OK. He talks about literal trails. Beasts and Saints * Helen Waddell An enjoyable little book about the interaction of saints and animals. I used the story of St. Menno in a talk I gave about loving the created world. A Guide to Common Freshwater Invertebrates of North America * J. Reese Voshell An excellent resource if you are fascinated by and love benthic macroinvertebrates as much as I do. The Silver Chair * C.S. Lewis This has to have been my fifth reading or so of the book. As far as favorites go, it's a toss-up between this and The Last Battle in the Narnia series. An Essay on the Restoration of Property * Hilaire Belloc There are some, but I wish there were more examples of Distributism in action. The Biggest...
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