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Showing posts from 2023

Another Publishing Triumph 4.23

 This is the last poem of mine, I believe, that will be published this year. Foreshadow, the publisher of this one, is presenting another poem next year some time.  This one is kinda-sorta a poem. I tried to write it in a modified blank verse, but it just wasn't working that way. This is how it turned out.

Another Publishing Triumph 3.23

 This is the third time I've been published in Jesus the Imagination . It is, however, the first time a poem of mine has been published with this journal. I haven't finished reading my copy, but so far there have been some excellent essays. Get yourself a copy today!

Another Publishing Triumph!

So, the first of four poems has dropped. Point your critical browser to this URL for lots of good stuff at Ekstasis : Constructive criticism welcome!

Another Publishing Triumph

 So, I'm two for two at Front Porch Republic. I sent in four poems to another publication; I'm awaiting a word from that. For now, here's a piece on blessing.