During my grocery shopping today I was asked to pick up some hot dogs for some meal or other. Now I am not an aficianado of the 'ot dog, but will usually have a corn dog or BBQed version of one or two during the summer. If my children like them, so be it. The trouble came when trying to find a package that didn't arrive from a chemistry lab. Nitrates and nitrites, sugars (including HFCS), the preservative sodium benzoate, and other fun substances littered every package I picked up. Even Hebrew National which "Answers to a Higher Standard" was doped. Apparently Kosher doesn't mean it can't be injected with a chemical cocktail. So-called "Natural Casings" were prominently displayed to catch my eye. As if sheep or pig intestine somehow offsets Agricorps tinkering. I ended up buying the brand "sold at Tiger Stadium" not because it was chemical-free, Hell no! It was merely the brand with the least additives. Why does a hot dog need sugar anyway?
Addendum: What about that beef recall, huh? Have you seen the footage from the Humane Society?
I must say this one is my favorite of your postings; I am not a big fan of any kind of processed sausage like hot dogs. The old saying that hot dogs are made of the leftovers and sawdust. Well this chemical processing makes saw dust the least of our worries. No one knows what these chemicals do to us in the future.