So I found this link from "Church of the Masses" blog and thought I'd plug in this perpetually obscure blog. The results? 
On the left hand, I suppose that's a good thing--this blog isn't dumbed down. However, pride puffs one up like a dollar store pool inflatable; I don't need more of that. On the right hand, who am I leaving out with this "supposed" rating. Is this blog inaccessible to 12-18 year olds? Unimportant, unrecognized, yes. But too hard? Is that a bad thing?
On the left hand, I suppose that's a good thing--this blog isn't dumbed down. However, pride puffs one up like a dollar store pool inflatable; I don't need more of that. On the right hand, who am I leaving out with this "supposed" rating. Is this blog inaccessible to 12-18 year olds? Unimportant, unrecognized, yes. But too hard? Is that a bad thing?