A week later than usual for us, but we committed arborcide yesterday. The snow was a good six or seven inches deep; the boy complained, but somehow made it through. Unfortunately, about two hours after the lights had been on the tree they shorted out. No time to fix them now. (Note: these pictures are in reverse order.)
Today, we celebrate Christmas with the wife's family on a blustery, cyanotic appendage inducing day. You can't see the wind whipping the veils of snow across the landscape in these photos, nor can you feel the burning of my earlobes, trust me it all occured. Today was an example of the dangerous beauty of nature.
Today, we celebrate Christmas with the wife's family on a blustery, cyanotic appendage inducing day. You can't see the wind whipping the veils of snow across the landscape in these photos, nor can you feel the burning of my earlobes, trust me it all occured. Today was an example of the dangerous beauty of nature.