Have you seen this narrowly-interested bumper sticker around in Michigan? I believe it comes from the UAW. The punchline is "Keep Buying Foreign." While I'm glad people realize the interconnectedness of the U.S. Auto industry with the health of Michigan--a fact the last 6-8 months here has only been made stunningly real--it is quite short sighted. I'd like to engage one of the possessors of these stickers and ask the following questions:
1. Where were your TV, stereo, and DVD player made and what is their parent company?
2. Is the food you eat grown in Michigan and do you eat seasonally?
3. Why does the quality of American cars make buying foreign so palatble?
I imagine I'd receive either the bird, a narrowing of eyes, or a blank stare.
1. Where were your TV, stereo, and DVD player made and what is their parent company?
2. Is the food you eat grown in Michigan and do you eat seasonally?
3. Why does the quality of American cars make buying foreign so palatble?
I imagine I'd receive either the bird, a narrowing of eyes, or a blank stare.