"If you take step X, you too can help save the planet!" "By contributing to cause Y, you'll enable us to save our precious planet!" And so it goes. Really? Will we be able to save the planet? Is the planet truly in danger? Is it going to crack apart and float away? Oh, you mean climate change is endangering the planet. Is it? Will the planet simply vanish with the rising of worldwide temperatures? What if I told you that 99% of all species that ever existed are EXTINCT? This happened before the advent of the automobile and probably most of it before the development of agriculture even. So what is it you are trying to save exactly? Save the hyperbole and do something real, grow your own food, know the plants and animals in your own ecosystem, of which you are a part, and start there. Plant native plants. Hunt and fish within limits. Buy less stuff. These are achievable goals rather than shelling out $5 for a rainforest you will never visit. Demand that we stop farming out our logging to countries where clear cutting makes good short-term business sense. Eat seasonally. This will save your neighborhood at least.
Shifting gears: It's Feb-roo-ary, dammit, not Feb-yew-ary, just like the name is Cost-co, not Cos-co. Clean your ears out once in a while, learn to enunciate. And please, please, put down that apostrophe, you're going to hurt yourself. Just because there's an S, doesn't mean you always add the apostrophe. Listen to your English teacher for once, will ya?
Shifting gears: It's Feb-roo-ary, dammit, not Feb-yew-ary, just like the name is Cost-co, not Cos-co. Clean your ears out once in a while, learn to enunciate. And please, please, put down that apostrophe, you're going to hurt yourself. Just because there's an S, doesn't mean you always add the apostrophe. Listen to your English teacher for once, will ya?