Last Sunday the Martin family took another step in securing our small homestead: we had a prescribed burn in our woodlot. The purpose was to kill young exotics, stimulate the nutrient cycle, jump start a natural process, and frankly burn stuff. Smokey the Bear is a great marketing tool, but he has unwittingly contributed to huge forest fires by creating the idea of a fire regime as some horrible and cruel act of nature (or man) that is to be avoided like taxes. Perhaps moreso. Regular burns in natural areas helps to cut down on titanic conflagrations as they burn up combustible fuel that collects regularly in forests and other ecosystems. Additionally, fire creates a check on invasive, opportunistic species (mostly plants) that are not fire adapted. All in all, an occasional fire is a good thing. The first thing the crew did was prep the area. This is accomplished by a quick survey and then blowing or raking leaf litt...
A humble blog of tragic proportions