Only two more days until the phone calls, radio and TV ads, and flyers in the mail quit. In so many ways I cry "A plague on both your houses." I'm sure you're feeling fatigue from Election 2012: The MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE U.S. as I am. I'm also tired of finding 30% of what I like in candidate A and 31% in candidate B, politically speaking. Here's what my ideal candidate for president would look like:
- Someone who knows the Constitutional limits of the presidency and would respect them enough to rescind all the crap built up by his (or her) predecessors.
- Someone consistently pro-life who would encourage Americans to respect life prior to birth until natural death (including the encouragement to end the death penalty)
- Someone who thinks that patriotism and a bellicose foreign policy are antithetical
- Someone who thinks the federal government needs to learn about subsidiarity (see the first bullet as well)
- Someone who doesn't think binarically (I don't know how to conjugate this word) about the economy and creation (eco means "household" after all)
- Someone who thinks the government should have a hand in helping the poor take care of themselves (see the 4th bullet)
- Someone who would encourage parents to be the primary educators of their children
- Someone who would encourage a more humane, human-scaled economy and work to mitigate the damage caused by so-called globalization
- Someone who might read a list like this and try something like it.