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I voted

Even for president, which I didn't think I would do. I didn't realize Michigan had a write-in slot, so I wrote in the name of one of the wisest living Americans today: Wendell Berry. Both major party candidates had a few things to recommend them--Obama actually mentioning that there is a problem in our food system; John McCain saying that ethanol subsidies are not the way to go; Obama proclaiming that the educational system will only work if parents get their act together; McCain appearing to be pro-preborn child. Beyond that there wasn't much different for me. Neither candidate was going to change policy in Iraq radically. Neither candidate talked much about responsibility and sacrifice on the part of all Americans for the economic tar pit. I did not want to choose the lesser of two evils or hold my nose and vote for someone. So, I went for wisdom. A futile choice, yes, but statistically so was any other choice for president.
My one horse I'm betting on? The defeat of that awful Prop 2. What about that horribly manipulative commercial with the mother and daughter who have diabetes? Ugh! Lady, I wish you and your daughter didn't have the disease, but sacrificing human lives for a cure is NOT the way to pursue.


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